Income Tax Entrepreneur Program (ITEP)

Be part of a life-long profession as a tax preparer. Join our program and change your life. No experience needed, earn up to 100% of preparation fees. As a mobile tax agent your office can be your home, church, coffee house, salon,or workplace. This is a great way to earn extra money, meet new people and build lasting relationships.

Program Includes:

  • Software (unlimited returns)
  • Online Training (Tax Law & Software)
  • Webinar Training (Software, etc.)
  • Business Card Design
  • Bank Products
  • Marketing Plan
  • Contracts (Clients, Partnerships, Proposals)

Total Cost of the program is $299.95. Requires a down payment of $49.99 and the balance is due before the start of tax season.

Just $49.99 down (for a limited time early-bird special)